Krk Events


It is impossible to start any story about Dobrinjsko's past without the starting point of those stories - without Dobrinj. Not only because Dobrinj is the centuries-old administrative, religious and cultural center of the Dobrinj region, but also because written history begins precisely with the mention of Dobrinj.

Events of Dobrinj


Charter of the famous Dragoslav from 1100. year, one of the most important Croatian Glagolitic documents, was created “…in front of Dobrinje, the church of St. Vitus…”.

In that document, the municipality (“community”) and the parish of Dobrinj, as well as the parish church of St. Stephen, are mentioned. A few centuries after the Charter, the folk song “Dobrinj was a city” was written, which metaphorically describes its geographical position – Dobrinj is truly a city, it is located in the middle of the island, and from whichever side you approach it, you have to cross a stream.

Even today, the so-called Frankopan is reminiscent of the time of the Krk princes. “Donji Grad”, in which the role of city ramparts is made up of a number of houses; the sacral and ethnographic museum collections, the old bell tower and the nearby “jardin” park remind us of the times before and after Frankopan.

The central square, “Placa”, surrounded by plane trees, represents the soul of this town, which still exudes the autochthonous spirit of its past.

“Are there more museums or residents in Dobrinje?” one tourist humorously asked, alluding to the rich treasury of the past in this small town. The answer to that question would be the same ratio. And indeed it is so; Dobrinj, in the simplest terms, is a synthesis of past and present. Dobrinj is a city – a museum.

Since in recent years the healing properties of the mud (mud) from Meline beach has been officially confirmed through specific examples (it alleviates or completely eliminates various forms of bone pain and skin diseases), Soline Bay is becoming an increasingly attractive summer destination.

In addition to the already mentioned settlement of Meline, Uvala consists of Soline, Čižići and Klimno. The names of the places in this Bay are partly determined by their natural significance (Meline was a center for the export of sand in ancient times, and a little later it was known for its brick factory, and the Frankopani princes of Krk had widely known saltworks in Soline); the shipbuilding center of Klimno was named after the church of St. Klement, while the origin of the name Čižići is still undefined.

Due to the geographical location (closedness of the bay and the shallowness of the sea), and climatic characteristics (regularly pleasant sea temperature), the swimming season in Soline Bay begins in early spring and lasts until late autumn, which – along with the healing mud – is another trump card in the tourist offer. of this end.

And only a few kilometers from Čižić is the town of Rudine, where the architecture, as it existed a century or more ago, is almost intact. In addition to the discovered treasures – autochthonous folk architecture and the nearby sandy beach, Rudine is also attracted by the hidden treasure, which, according to tradition, is located in the Biserujka cave, one of the most visited caves in Croatia.
